Thursday, July 10, 2008

Favourite work

My name is Cameron Moore I am a first year design student at Victoria University of Wellington. As a project we where given an artist in which we had to research and explore a specific piece of their work, then reinterpret the image into a pixelated format.
"For the love of god" is a contemporary piece of artwork that has been created by Damian Hurst. It explores the contrast between death, beauty and the superficial reality of life. Using this artwork as my precedent, I have recaptured the dominant feature of the skull and manipulated the composition of the skull into a pixelated image. The success of this image is formed by using the techniques of layers through colour and toning to form depth. The development of individual squares to collectively form a complete symmetrical image of the skull help show, the reference to Damian's original piece of work in a 2 dimensional view. It also explores the piece of work in a context that is expressive oppose to the physical interaction of the skull itself.

1 comment:

noone said...

Hey, your water colour image is awesome, it seems so precise and almost looks computer generated. Way cool...